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2012 BFA - Fine Art, Gemini School of Visual Arts, Cedar Park, Tx


2022 - Present - Efflorescent- Interactive dichroic mechanical flowers & Steel vines  suspended on a trellis, Ion Plaza, Houston, TX 

2022 - Present - Altum Vita- Dichroic & Steel chandelier representing the watershed and aquifer of Austin, Downtown, Austin, TX

2022 - Cosmic Murmur - 3D Aluminum & Dichroic illuminated sculpture, STEM building , NorthLake View College, San Antonio, TX

2020 - The Vortex - Vision Arcade, Sign & Mutoscopes with archival clips, Austin, TX

2020 - Discopussy - Tentacle Chandelier, centerpiece of the bar, Las Vegas, NV

2020 - Down the Rabbit Hole - Hopscotch Experience Museum, Down the Rabbit Hole chandelier, San Antonio, TX

Art Installations

2021 - TEMPO Little Picchu -AIPP project recipient collaborating with Suzanne Wyss, Hampton Branch Public Library @ Oak Hill, Austin, TX

2015-18 - Wooden Nickel Carnival - Burning Man, Black Rock City, NV - MeowWolf Outside, SXSW, Austin TX

2013-14 - Cathedral of Celestial Mathgic - Burning Man, Black Rock City, NV - Art Outside, Rockdale,TX - SXSW Eco Light Garden, Austin, TX

2012 - CloudScape - Art Outside, Rockdale TX

Group Installations 

2022- Real Human Experience, Austin Studio Tour, Highland Collective, Austin, TX

2018 - Fractalage, MeowWolf Outside, Future TBD Collective installation, SXSW, Austin, TX

2018 - Exobiology, FutureTBD, West Austin Studio Tours, Austin, TX

2017 - Undetermined Origins, FutureTBD, East Austin Studio Tour, Austin, TX

Professional Experience

2015-Present - Wooden Nickel Carnival - Co-Owner & Artist, Rental, installation and interactive performance with immersive carnival for events, Austin, TX

2014-Present - Ilya Tinker Creations- Design, fabricate, and install a range of products. i.e. signs, art pieces, art handling, custom furniture, CNC fabrication, CAD, etc. Nationwide

2019-Present - Polis Interactive - Designer, fabricator, and installer for interactive installations, Austin, TX

2021-22 - THRA Harm Reduction Bus - Lead Designer & Fabricator -Build out of THRA’s new harm reduction mobile clinic. Austin, TX 

2021 - Serpentine & Sporous - Lead Fabricator - Fabrication lead on a permanent concrete casted sculpture designed and managed by Suzanne Wyss. Springdale General Permanent Installation via Co-Lab Projects.  Austin, TX

2020-21 - Rosewood Park AIPP - Consultant, Assembly, Installation - Consulting on fabrication techniques, assembling final fabricated pieces, installing of permanent sculpture for Polis Interactive. Austin, TX

2017-2020 - Future TBD Collective - Co-Founder - An artist collective of ~30 artists who work together to create immersive interactive art experiences Austin, TX

2016-19 - Curious Customs - Fabrication, Manufacture, Sales - Manufacturing of lamps, running machines, fabrication of intricate booths to vend from, installing of art and booths at events around the country, selling of products. Austin, TX

2019 - Neon Indian - Production Assistant - design and fabrication of props and set backdrops for “Toyota Man” music video. Austin, TX

2018 - Otherworld - Digital Fabrication Lead & Immersive Experience Designer - Lead a team of 5 in the design and production of the digital fabrication of a 30,000 sqft immersive experience.  In charge of correspondence with all other teams to design and fabricate all digital fabrication needs for over 15 environments. Design unique rooms to fit the narrative of the experience. Columbus, OH

2017-18 - Cogivi - Product Designer and Manufacturer - Develop new product ideas, manufacturing and distribution of products. Austin TX

2016 - The Self Determination Project - Digital Fabrication Lead - Design and fabrication of the conversion of a municipal bus into a mobile classroom for at-risk youth and adults. Oakland, CA

2014-15 - Track Sculptures - CNC Operator, Shop Manager & Product Designer - Develop new products, fabrication, finishing and shipping of products, and shipping for products. Austin, TX

2011-15 - Art Outside - Art Installer - Assist in the fabrication, setup, and install for multiple artist installations. Rockdale, TX

2014 - Pachamama Portal - Design and fabrication of main sculptural piece, Burning Man, Black Rock City, NV

2011-2012 - Lightning in a Bottle - Art Installer - Assist in the fabrication, setup, and install or multiple artist installation, Lighting in a Bottle, Irving, CA

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